Filtering Data
The Filter functionality allows to search sections based on specific criteria.
To search sections by filtering data:
1. Navigate to Components-> .Mighty Resources-> Sections in the Joomla global menu. The Sections page appears and displays a list of existing sections, as shown in the following figure:
2. Specify the criteria for filtering sections. You may enter text in the Filter text box [1] or select an item in the drop-down list [2], as shown in the following figure:
If you enter text in the Filter text box, the specified text will be matched against the data of all the existing sections. For example, if there are three sections with names Property, Procurement, and Video, and you type ‘P’ in the Filter text box, the result will display the sections Property and Procurement.
If you enter text in the Filter text box and also select any item in the drop-down list, then both the text and the selected item will be considered for matching data and fetching the result.
Only the data entered by user will be considered for matching the text in the Filter text box; other data, such as Clicks and ID will not be considered.
3. Click the Go button to obtain the list of sections matching the specified criteria.