Creating Links
In order to allow front-end users to view article, submit article, or view article list, you need to create links.
This topic includes the following tasks:
Viewing Category Articles List
Article is a kind of content. In this guide, the terms article and content have been synonymously used.
To create a link for viewing an article:
1. Log into Joomla back-end and navigate to Menus-> Main Menu. The Menu Item Manager:[mainmenu] page appears.
2. Click the New [1] button shown in the following figure:
On clicking the New button, the following page appears:
3. Click the Mighty Resources node to expand it.
4. Navigate to Mighty Resources-> Article-> Article. The following page appears:
5. Enter title and alias in the Menu Item Details [1] section. Based on your requirements, select other parameters in this section. In the Parameters (Basic) [2] section, enter the ID of the article, which you need to make available to the front-end users.
6. Click the Save [3] or Apply button [4].
7. Click the Preview button [5]. The front-end of Joomla appears.
8. Log into the front-end and navigate to the Main Menu section.
9. Click the link you created to view the article whose ID you specified while creating the link.
To create a link for submitting articles:
1. Navigate to Menus-> Main Menu in Joomla back-end. The Menu Item Manager:[mainmenu] page appears.
2. Click the New button.
3. Click the Mighty Resources node to expand it.
4. Navigate to Mighty Resources -> Article-> Submit Article. The following page appears:
5. Enter title and alias in the Menu Item Details [1] section. Based on your requirements, select other parameters in this section. In the Parameters (Basic) [2] section, select a content type and section. The front-end user will be able to submit article for the selected section. Note: mouse over parameters titles to get more information about parameters meaning.
6. Click the Save [3] or Apply button [4].
7. Click the Preview button [5]. The front-end of Joomla appears.
8. Log into the front-end and navigate to the Main Menu section.
9. Click the link you created for submitting articles. The page for submitting article will appear.
Viewing Category Articles List
To create a link for viewing list of articles belonging to a particular category:
1. Navigate to Menus-> Main Menu in Joomla back-end. The Menu Item Manager:[mainmenu] page appears.
2. Click the New button.
3. Click the Mighty Resources node to expand it.
4. Navigate to Mighty Resources-> Article List-> Category Article List. The following page appears:
5. Enter title and alias in the Menu Item Details [1] section. Based on your requirements, select other parameters in this section. In the Parameters (Basic) [2] section, select a home category. The front-end user will be able to view the list of articles belonging to the selected category. Note: mouse over parameters titles to get more information about parameters meaning.
6. Click the Save [3] or Apply button [4].
7. Click the Preview button [5]. The front-end of Joomla appears.
8. Log into the front-end and navigate to the Main Menu section.
9. Click the link you created to view the list of articles belonging to the category, which you selected while creating the link.
To view list of section(s) tags based on the criteria specified in Tag Clouds menu item parameters:
1. Navigate to Menus-> Main Menu in Joomla back-end. The Menu Item Manager:[mainmenu] page appears.
2. Click the New button.
3. Click the Mighty Resources node to expand it.
4. Navigate to Mighty Resources-> Article List-> Tag Clouds. The following page appears:
5. Enter title and alias in the Menu Item Details [1] section. Based on your requirements, select other parameters in this section. In the Parameters (Basic) [2] section, select a criteria for listing the articles and also select the section whose articles will be listed based on the selected criteria. Note: mouse over parameters titles to get more information about parameters meaning.
6. Click the Save [3] or Apply button [4].
7. Click the Preview button [5]. The front-end of Joomla appears.
8. Log into the front-end and navigate to the User Menu section.
9. Click the link you created to view the list of list of section tags based on the criteria specified while creating the link.