Mighty Resources is a full-featured Content Construction Kit (CCK) that allows you to create custom content types and define structure of the content types using custom fields.

You can create custom fields using various existing field types, such as text, textarea, check box, picture and etc. Actually there are much more fields in the Resources component. So you may create any content type you need. These field types are installed through the plugins associated with the Mighty Resources component. In addition, Mighty Resources is associated with a set of modules, which you need to install in order to utilize additional features. You also may run automatic installation using Mighty Assistant component.

After creating a content type, you need to create sections and categories. Thereafter, you can create content items, which are often referred to as ‘articles’. In Mighty Resources, an article is most often regarded as the third level in the hierarchy Sections -> Categories -> Articles. In other words, a section is a collection of categories and a category is a collection of articles.

Using the Mighty Resources component, you can perform the following tasks:

Create unlimited number of categories and sections, such as gallery, blogs, and properties.

Create custom content types, such as trade lead, property, business listings, download, gallery, product, and blog posts.

Create each section’s homepage and allow users to submit articles from front-end.

Allow front-end users to rate, comment, and favor any content item.

Manage templates, comments, ratings, tags, and filters.

The Mighty Resources component can be integrated with other Mighty Extensions components, such as Mighty Commerce, Mighty Membership, Mighty Touch, Mighty Registration and Mighty Message.
