Automatic  Installation:

1. Log into

2. Navigate to top menu Downloads-> Mighty Extensions

3. Follow “Mighty Assistant Quick Start”  instructions to get ability to install any Mighty Extensions by fast and easy way.

Also you may follow manual installation guide:

Installing Plugins (manually)

Installing Modules (manually)

Installing Plugins

Plugins are required to control access to articles or components. The Mighty Resources component would not work without plugins, which are automatically executed when certain action is performed at the front-end.

The actions/events that determine plugin execution are:

Site search

Content display

Content editing

To install a plugin:

1. Log into

In order to log into the above mentioned website, you should be registered to After you register, you are automatically logged into the website.

2. Navigate to Downloads-> Mighty Extensions -> scroll down and click on the Downloads Section link..

3. Scroll down the Mighty Downloads page to view the Category index section. Click the Field Plugins link [1] under the Resources category, as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing plugins1.zoom96 Installing Plugins and Modules

4. Click the Core plugins in one package (21 Items) link [1], as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing plugins2.zoom96 Installing Plugins and Modules

5. Scroll down the Web page that is displayed after clicking the Core plugins in one package (21 Items) link, and download the package by clicking the link [1], as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing plugins3.zoom96 Installing Plugins and Modules

6. Extract the downloaded file and open the extracted folder. You will find the ‘fields’ folder. Open the ‘fields’ folder. You will find the zip files of the core field plugins.

7. Log into the Joomla back-end.

8. Navigate to Extensions-> Install/Uninstall. In the Package File text box [1], enter the path of a core field plugin or click the Browse button [2] to locate the core field plugin software. As mentioned in Step 6, the core field plugins are located within the ‘fields’ folder in the form of zip files. Click the Upload File & Install button [3] shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing joomsuite resources component4.zoom70 Installing Plugins and Modules

Congratulation!! You have successfully installed the selected plugin.

9. Select the other core field plugins from the ‘fields’ folder and install them as mentioned in Step 8.

You can install the other types of plugins by following the above procedure. However, you need to select the appropriate plugin link in Step 3 and download the appropriate plugin files. For more information on the list of freely available plugins, refer to Plugins List.

After installing the plugins you need to enable them. For more information, see Enabling Plugins.

Installing Modules

Modules are used to display content and media around the main content.

To install a module:

1. Log into

In order to log into the above mentioned website, you should be registered to After you register, you are automatically logged into the website.

2. Navigate to Downloads-> Mighty Extensions -> scroll down and click on the Downloads Section link.

3. Scroll down the Downloads Section page to view the Category index section. Click the Modules link [1] under the Resources category, as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing modules 1.zoom96 Installing Plugins and Modules

4. Scroll down the Web page that is displayed after clicking the Modules link. Download free modules package by clicking [1] link; download advanced modules package by clicking [2] link, as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing modules 2.zoom97 Installing Plugins and Modules

5. Extract free modules package ( and/or advanced modules package ( to local machine directory.

6. Log into the Joomla back-end.

7. Navigate to Extensions-> Install/Uninstall. In the Package File text box [1], enter the path of any Resources module, which you have downloaded in step 4 and extract in step 5 or click the Browse button [2] to locate extracting modules. Click the Upload File & Install button [3] shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing joomsuite resources component4.zoom70 Installing Plugins and Modules

Congratulation!! You have successfully installed Mighty Resources modules.

You can install any Resources modules by following the above procedure. For more information on the list of freely available modules, refer to Modules List.

After installing the modules you need to enable them. For more information, see Enabling Modules.

Plugins List

1. Plugins

plug-in add to cart.v.1.0

Plugin – SearchBot

Plugin – JGTdoc(Google Translation Doc)

Plugin – mavic Thumbnails

Plugin – Load Module Position

PeopleTouch Resources Plugin

Plugin – Include Content Item

2. Field Plugins

Core plugins in one package (21 Items)

Fields for Commerce

3. Advanced

JoomFish Package

Modules List

Module – Admin resource

Module – Tag Cloud

Module – RSS Social Feeder

Module – Content List

Module – Categories

Installing Plugins and Modules