Mighty Resources is an add-on component of Joomla. Therefore, to install JoomSuite Resources, ensure that Joomla is already installed and FTP is enabled as well. Also, ensure that the following softwares are installed on your machine/server where you want to install Joomla:





To install Mighty Resources.

Automatic  Installation:

1. Log into http://mightyextensions.com.

2. Navigate to top menu Downloads-> Mighty Extensions

3. Follow “Mighty Assistant Quick Start”  instructions to get ability to install any Mighty Extensions by fast and easy way.

Manual Installation:

1. Log into http://mightyextensions.com.

In order to log into the above mentioned website, you should be registered to mightyextensions.com. After you register, you are automatically logged into the website.

2. Navigate to top menu Downloads-> Mighty Extensions -> scroll down and click on the Downloads Section link.

3. Scroll down the Web page that is displayed after clicking Downloads Section, and click the Resources link [1] under the Category Index section, as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources install joomsuiteresource1.zoom97 Installing Mighty Resources Component

4. Scroll down the Web page that is displayed after clicking the Resources link, and click the “Component – Resources” [1], as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources install joomsuiteresource2.zoom97 Installing Mighty Resources Component

5. Download the Mighty Resources software by clicking the com_resource.v.1.5.3.zip link [1], as shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources install joomsuiteresource3.zoom97 Installing Mighty Resources Component

6. Log into Joomla back-end.

7. Navigate to Extensions-> Install/Uninstall. In the Package File text box [1], enter the path of the Mighty Resources software, which you have downloaded in step 5 or click the Browse button [2] to locate the Mighty Resources software. Click the Upload File & Install button [3] shown in the following figure:

Mighty Resources installing joomsuite resources component4.zoom70 Installing Mighty Resources Component

Congratulation!! You have successfully installed Mighty Resources.

Now you need to install the Mighty Resources Plus – Icon Pack by following the above procedure. However, you need to select the Plus – Icon Pack link in Step 4.

After you install Mighty Resources and its Plus – Icon Pack, you need to install several plugins and modules. For more information, see Installing Plugins and Modules. Also, after installing the plugins and modules, you need to configure Mighty Resources. For more information, see Configuring Mighty Resources.

Installing Mighty Resources Component