Product Suite field
You may combine several products to one suite, i.e. sell several products in package with discounts.
You get new product item (Product Suite item) based on existing products using this field.
Please note that each vendor may combine his/her product to suite only, i.e. sellers cannot get products of
other seller for their product suites.
Parameter |
Value |
Descriptions |
Show product title as link |
Yes/No |
Set “Yes” to display every product suite item title as link to stand alone product. |
Show product suite in article list |
Dropdown |
Choose the way of suite products description to be displayed in articles list. Description means list of product articles list which are included to the product suite. Here are 2 types of suite description display: “as enumerated list” and “separated with comma”. |
Show product suite in article |
Dropdown |
Choose the way of suite products description to be displayed in article full view. Description means list of product articles list which are included to the product suite. Here are 2 types of suite description display: “as enumerated list”, “separated with comma” and “As article intro”. |
Record List template |
Dropdown |
Template to display list of articles. This parameter will be applied when you set “Show product suite in article” into “As article intro” position. |
Show product price in suite |
Yes/No |
Show/Hide price of each product suite item in the product suite items list. |
Discount alert text |
Text |
Set product suite discount alert text. |
Discount image |
Dropdown |
Choose product suite discount image. You may upload custom Discount images to ‘plugins/joomsuite_content_fields/images/product_suite/discount/’ directory. |
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Filter section |
Dropdown |
Set commerce section to look product suite items for, i.e. you need set section where seller will choose products for new product suites. |
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Admin table rows limit |
Text |
Set maximum number of product items in the ” look product suite items for” list. |