Changing Columns
This topic includes the following tasks:
To change a category:
1. Navigate to Components-> .Mighty Resources-> Content in the Joomla global menu. The Content Items page appears and displays a list of existing contents.
2. Select the check box corresponding to the content for which you want to change category and click the Mass button. Select Change Category [1] from the context menu, as shown in the following figure:
3. Select a category in the Change Category page and click the Save button [1] shown in the following figure:
The category is changed for the selected content.
To change a field value:
1. Navigate to Components-> .Mighty Resources-> Content in the Joomla global menu. The Content Items page appears and displays a list of existing contents.
2. Select the check box corresponding to the content for which you want to change the field value and click the Mass button. Select Change Field Value [1] from the context menu, as shown in the following figure:
3. Change the value of the fields in the Change Field Value page as per your requirements. Click the Save button [1] shown in the following figure:
The field values are changed for the selected content.
To change an expiry date:
1. Navigate to Components-> .Mighty Resources-> Content in the Joomla global menu. The Content Items page appears and displays a list of existing contents.
2. Select the check box corresponding to the content for which you want to change an expiry date and click the Mass button. Select Change Expire Date [1] from the context menu, as shown in the following figure:
3. Click the date picker field [1] and change the date in the Change Category page. Click the Save button [2] shown in the following figure:
The expire date is changed for the selected content.